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Four Business Models for the Digital Age (Dec 2016)
Five Overlooked Principles Shaping the Destiny of Your Business
(Nov 2016)
The Courage to Change Before You Have To (June 2016)
You’re a Media Company. Now What?” (August 2016)
What Self-Made Billionaires Do Best (December 2015)
How Old Industries Become Young Again (July 2014)
Anchor 2
Seven Myths about Self-Made Billionaires (Dec 29, 2014)
Anchor 3
Harvard Business Review
Why Life Science Needs it Own Silicon Valley (August 2012)
How Barcodes and Smartphones Will Rearchitect Information
(June 2010)
Three Tips for Curating Your Audience (June 2010)
How Coke and Pepsi are Using Social Media to Build their Trust Banks (May 2010)
Create Choosing (Not Shopping) Experiences. (May 2010)
Changing Health and Wealth Behaviors with Analytics. (April 2010)
Do Your Knowledge Workers Have a Bitsmith? (April 2010)
How the iPad Is Like the Tesla Roadster. (April 2010)
Real-Time Brand Management - Lessons from Virgin America's Hellish Flight. (March 2010)
Are You Catering to Your Customer's Anxieties?. (March 2010)
How Behavioral Economics Can Help Cure the Health Care Crisis. (March 2010)
Knowledge and the Need for Speed. (February 2010)
Continuous Brand Management for Generation 10:45 (February 2010)
Is This Innovation Too Disruptive for my Firm? ( January 2010)
Five Keys to Creating an Information Advantage. ( January 2010)
The IT Platform Principle: The First Shall Not Be First ( January 2010)
Better Customer Service through Transparency, Tribes, and Talent. (December 2009)
Swimming in Data? Three Benefits of Visualization (December 2009)
Getting Buy-In for Abstract Ideas. (November 2009)
How Will Augmented Reality Affect Your Business? (October 2009)
Getting Started with Disruptive Business Design. (October 2009)
Why the CIO Needs to be a Duck-Billed Platypus. (October 2009)
Can You Design an Internal Netflix Prize? (September 2009)
Intuit, Mint, and the Power of Simplicity. (September 2009)
Groupon's Four Keys to Customer Interaction. (September 2009)
Skype's Untapped Promise - And Facebook's.(September 2009)
Disney Buy's Marvel - Designing 3D Brands.(August 2009)
The Google Doodle Logic.(August 2009)
Yahoo's Missed Opportunity: The Social Web.(August 2009)
Design Your Customer's Decisions.(August 2009)
Organized Information is the Next Moonshot.( July 2009)
IT Costs: Do You Speak Their Language? (July 2009)
It's Time to Reinvent Knowledge Work.(July 2009)
Bring Power to the Edge.(May 2009)
The Brain Drain that Should Worry US Businesses.(May 2009)
Wolfram Alpha vs. Google: Power vs. Simplicity.(May 2009)
Why Bankers Would Rather Work for $0.00 than $500.(May 2009)
A Better Way to Rate Bonds.(April 2009)
Twitter: A Marketer's Duct Tape.(April 2009)
How Google Earth Can Improve Your Business.(March 2009)
Does Cisco Have Its Head in the Clouds?(March 2009)
What Facebook's Stumble Can Teach Your Company.(February 2009)
Looking to Grow Sales On the Cheap? Use Natural Spokespeople (January 2009)
Forget Citibank, Borrow From Bob, (January 2009)
How Would Walt Disney Market in 2009? (December 2008)
Barack Obama's Edge-Based Organization. (November 2008)
JP Morgan Chase's Risk Lessons: Are You Oxymoronic Enough. (November 2008)
How Blackberry's Storm Could Swamp the iPhone. (October 2008)
Microsoft Outlook: A Social Network Just Waiting to Happen. (September 2008)
Apple's iPhone Platform Could Be Your Secret Weapon. (August 2008)
Want to Reduce Your Energy Use? Measure It. (August 2008)
LinkedIn: The Useful (And Profitable) Social Network.(July 2008)
From the Google-Viacom Battles: Who Should Own Your Behavior?(July 2008)
Why Every Business Has the Apple iPhone Problem.(June 2008)
Commoditized Technology and Commoditized Results.(June 2008)
Walmart's New Information Advantage.(June 2008)
Want to Boost Productivity? Give Workers Bigger Screens.(May 2008)
Innovation Lessons from Amazon.(May 2008)
The Online Talent War.(April 2008)
Why Your Company Needs a News Room.(April 2008)
Design Secrets of the iPhone and Blackberry.(April 2008)
Managing Your Reputation in a World of Crowdsourcing.(March 2008)
Everything for Free? Well, Not Quite.(March 2008)
How to Manage Your Ratings.(March 2008)
Get More Engaged in the Conversation About Your Company.(February 2008)
eBay's Disappearing Customer Focus.(February 2008)
Don't Cut IT During a Downturn.(February 2008)
What Any Leader Can Learn from Microsoft's Yahoo Bid.(February 2008)
How Green is Your IT?(February 2008)
How Open Wireless Will Change Your Business.(January 2008)
How Technology Amplified the Mortgage Crisis.(January 2008)
Members vs. Customers: How the Obama and Clinton Online Campaigns Differ.(January 2008)
What Health Consumers Want,(December 2007)
Every Product's a Platform,(October 2005)
Staple Yourself to an Order,(2004)
Edmunds -,(1998)
Exploiting the Virtual Value Chain(November/December 1995)
Managing in the Marketspace,(November/December 1994)
Putting Expert Systems to Work, (1988)
Anchor 6
Harvard Business School Case Study
Edmunds - (1998).
Baxter International: OnCall As Soon as Possible (1994)
BellSouth Enterprises: The Cellular Billing Project (1993)
Profiling at National Mutual (A) (1991)
Profiling at National Mutual (B) (1991)
Profiling at National Mutual (C) (1991)
Information Technology in Organizations: Emerging Issues in Ethics and Policy (1990)
DuPont's Artificial Intelligence Implementation Strategy (1988)
Anchor 7
Sloan Management Review
Knowledge Workers and Radically New Technology
(Summer 1996, Vol. 37, Num. 4.)
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